Thursday, October 3, 2013


Since everyone's talking about.....

TBH, I'm happy that the government shutdown. I'm not happy people have been furloughed, that government is at a standstill, or that the senate/house/american people are more partisan than they've ever been before. But something needed to happen. Something drastic. Maybe, just maybe, this will be the kick in the pants the government needs...

I'm a staunch Libertarian, so this whole event is rubbing 3 particular issues the wrong way for me: 1) The Budget, 2) Obamacare  and 3) Government being too big. Time to rant a little bit: Nothing long, or too in depth, just some thoughts on recent political events.

Issue #1: The Budget

or the lack there of. We haven't had a budget in over a decade. Is it any surprise shit like this is happening? The American financial machine is stuck in a ditch and the dollar is diving. Our economic solvency should be our top concern; over defense, over education, over social welfare because of one fact: If we let it get too bad, and take the dive into complete bankruptcy (and don't say it'll never's naive.), then none of the rest matters. We won't have the money to run the military. We wont have the money to fund any education. We wont have the money to help anyone. On this point, the GOP are 100% correct for fighting, and fighting hard. It's a nasty skeleton in our national closet, but it needs to be hauled into the sunlight and dealt with.

Still My Favorite Outcome of the Shutdown....hehehe. Grumpy.

Issue #2: Obamacare

The American Medical System, as it is in its current form, doesn't work. Premiums are too high, there's no easy way for hospitals to bid down costs of equipment/service, and there's a good hunk of people without coverage.

The Affordable Care Act is not the Solution.

I'm not saying a government system cannot work; I lived in Canada for 4 years, and their system works just as well as ours (though everyone who says it is "free" has their head up their rear: I refer you to beer and gas taxes...). I'm philosophically opposed to a government system, based on my free-market, keep-your-hands-of-my-body beliefs, but I'm willing to discuss the idea of it.

The ACA however, is a broken, hypocritical mess that is poorly implemented, a technological mess, and just plain badly planned. The fact that business and congress-peoples are getting added leniency while the individual mandate is pushed through is a crock of shit. The GOP is right to fight this, but I can't help feeling it's due to a blind rage that isn't as reasonable or as focused as it should be.

Issue #3: Dat Government

It is, plainly, to fucking big, bloated and out of control. Additionally, it has become far too partisan, but this sin't the heart of the problem. The real problem in DC now is the lack of respect, and I can't help but feel that Republicans have a little bit more than Democrats. The GOP has continually sat down and said "We're Ready to Talk". Sure, they'll be as bull-headed and potentially as unmoving as ever, but at the very least they say they are willing to talk, sit down and try to negotiate. The Dem's however, have responded by saying "Give us a new CR and we'll talk"....

That new CR, which would extend federal funding for a while, is basically everything the Democrats want...

That's not who a give-and-take negotiation works......

BOTH sides are being pig-headed. BOTH sides are being unwavering. BOTH sides are fucking this all up because they can't admit the other side is full of actual people, who happen to have different views. Not, you know, Evil Commie Bastards or Neolithic Zealots. And, btw, Third Party Candidates are not all crazy....

Sit down. Have a Scotch. Talk it out respectfully. You won't agree on every point; that's what makes our country great, but you can have a reasoned discussion and come to some sort of agreement. Democrats are not Evil. Republicans are not Evil. There's just way too much hate hovering over Washington like a cloud of biting insects.

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