As you might surmise from the lack of separate Daily reviews, PAXPrime 2013 was insane. Insanely good, insanely busy, just...insane. However, I'd be remiss if I didn't at the very least discuss the best bits of the convention.
DAY 2:
After being delayed at the entrance to press (Srsly. If I have proof of a media Interview at 10, you should consider that before yellling 'NO ADMITTANCE BEFORE 10:30!' at me...) We got a chance to hit the press demo of The Elder Scrolls Online yet again (first time was at PAXEast - Read my impressions here!). Generally, the game is well made, looks pretty great, and feels very, VERY much like an Elder Scrolls game. However, I am still unsure about this game as an MMO and multiplayer game. Granted, Seven and I did manage to team up and defeat a cult of Daedra worshiping cultists, but we still ran into more than a few issues involving phasing. TL:DR? I'm intrigued, but still not sold.
Next big event was the Guild Wars 2 Anniversary Bash, which already had a line for the evenings party oing out the door when we showed up... at around noon. At that time, there was a massive showing centered around the new Tequatl the Sunless fight, which was insane to say the least. the additon of giant tidal waves, a much bigger pool of health, and multiple phases makes Tequatl the Raid that was never in GW2 at launch. With the addition of him droping new crafting stuff and ascended weapons, I expect this to be a hub of activity in Tyria. RaidWarning will have video up of the second attempt at this fight within a day or so.
Finally, on the evening of day 2, I was please to be one of the panelists on the "AppJunkies: The Worst Apps Ever Made" panel. Again, we somehow managed to fill a theater, which we also did at PAXEast 2013. The show was, more or less, a Mystery Science Theater 3000 treatment of terrible apps. We managed to get a complete recording of this show, so expect video within the next little bit.
DAY 3:
So, day three was when we started hitting Indies. Along with
RaidWarning and
AppJunkies, Seven had the brilliant Idea to start courting the indie side of gaming with a new site (currently under construction) called IndieHangover.
After 1 day of working on content, I knew we had hit something.
At the very first part of the day, I managed to talk with Stephen Frost of Carbine and get a few questions answered about Wildstar (Read his responses =>
HERE!). Stephen is an excellent fellow, and while I didn't get as many answers as I wanted (DARN YOU CRAFTING!!!), it was still insightful.
Then, came the Indie Megabooth. This crowded labyrinth of indie games is chaotic, amazing and confusing all at once. This, along with the 6th floor of the building, and the Seattle Indie Expo were our haunts for the day: we ended up getting 14 video interviews, talking with a ton of developers and making a ton of contacts.
What was most surprising though was the fact that indies were coming TO US. This is why I've got high hopes for IndieHangover. We were the only crew to cover the SIX (Seattle Indie eXpo) with video, and lots of developers were eager to work with us then, and in the future. I won't touch on the individual games too much here, since they'll be reappearing later this month as the first wave of content from IndieHangover.
Of course, 14 interviews poops you out pretty damn well, and we ended the night chilling out with some beers and Cards Against Humanity, which is becoming a PAX tradition.
DAY 4:
This was the first PAX to go 4 days, and while they obviously can justify it (it was just as packed as any other day = $$$), I'm not sure that I was super effective that day. Luckily, since we had nearly 3 weeks worth of footage, we decided to make contacts and set-up indie interview for later. Another 6 interview scheduled made me feel pretty accomplished, and I had an awesome chat/demo with the guys behind Nekro.
Oh right, I also played Titanfall. And was #1 player on my team. I was pretty smug about that. What's that? Me, abuse a grenade launcher and an alleyway? Psssha! No, never. Yeah, I totally did Hint: If an enemy squad of 4 titans is walking by, and you can get on their flank or rear with a rapid fire, tracking grenade launcher, you can do a lot of good, or a lot of bad, depending on your perspective I suppose.
PAX seemed to wind down earlier that the other days, which I was okay with since my knees and feet were killing me. It worked out well too, since I was able to meet a bunch of cool people in the Media room in the last hour and a half.
All in all, a Superb First PAXPrime. Expect content to filter in this week!