So, a while back, I started a Youtube channel with the same name as this blog: Liberty or Respawn. my original Idea was to do something that I not only felt passionate about, but wanted to spread to the internet: Use Video Games to talk about Politics.
If there's one things I was known for in University, it was being "That Classics Guy". Being an Academic and all, my degree in Classics was my principle focus. However, everyone needs hobbies. Mine revolved around two things: Debating Politics and Playing Video Games. My late nights in university were not about partying, binge drinking, or late night roadtrips (though they did happen); My all nighters revolved around debating the moral principles of tax codes and fighting my way through Zul Farrak with the guild.
Yes, I think it is safe to say I am a nerd.
However, every once in a while, the two blended. Me and my room-mates (who were all gamers, and all pretty politically fluent) would discuss economic principles using the World of Warcraft Auction House as an example, talk about the validity of Political movements in game lore, and talk about whether or not the final message of Bioshock was pro, or anti-Rand.
So, when i decided to start creating Youtube content, I did so with the idea of addressing politics through the eyes of a gamer and a libertarian (Yes, I'm a Libertarian. I'll devote a post to that later on). Yet, to this day, I've yet to touch that issue. Maybe it's a fear of Digital Backlash, maybe it's an aversion to actually jumping of the cliff of no return. Either way, I'm not okay with it anymore. I WANT to talk about games and how they reflect the real world. I WANT to spend an hour talking about the principles behind characters in video games and how they idealize or misrepresent my political principles. I WANT to start playing EVE...again.
So I'm going to. This Blog is going to be an eddy, a collection point, and a crossroads for all my work at, and any other miscellaneous corners of the interwebs.
This is the rebirth, no, the respawn, of Liberty or Respawn.
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